
What does SLP stand for?

  Wha t does SLP stand for? SLP stands for Speech Language Pathologist or ST for Speech Therapist SLPs' field is known as Communication Disorders - you can visit  for more information SLPs' areas of expertise are Speech , Language , and Hearing including the social/emotional aspects of language and Cognition , voice , dysphagia (swallowing difficulties - oropharyngeal function), Hearing (impact on speech and language), Aphasia due to stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), etc.  SLPs work with infants, children, and adults. SLP does not mean "Speech Teacher" Many have asked what the difference is between Speech and language. So, let's explain first things first. Communication is a process of exchanging information and ideas between a speaker and a listener. It involves encoding, transmitting, and decoding intended messages. Modes of communication: verbal, non-verbal (i.e. gestural), written, visual. What is Language?   Language consists of: Fo
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